Swiss Pavilion | Perlen Packaging

At the request of the Swiss Global Enterprise and Swiss business Hub Russia, RuGate performed the functions of a business representative of the Swiss pharmaceutical company, Perlen Packaging, at the Swiss pavilion of the Pharmtech & Ingredients exhibition in Moscow.

As a result, Perlen Packaging received significant exposure at this vital international pharmaceutical event and was provided with a comprehensive report listing numerous potential business partners meticulously selected based on specific criteria. The success of this collaboration was officially acknowledged by Perlen Packaging through a Letter of Appreciation to Swiss Business Hub Russia, of which an excerpt follows:

“…We do appreciate the Swiss Quality service you have provided us with by employing Ms Oxana Makhmutova to represent us at the exhibition. It is really impressive what she has managed to do for us in a new field for her: pharmaceutical films for blisters. She has been committed to our success and was proactively approaching perspective customers…”.